The Corporate Influencer Blog

What do to before jumping on 'The Great Resignation' bandwagon Oct 21, 2021

One might have thought that a global pandemic, and the mass layoffs that the sharp economic downturn associated with it sparked, would make people still in steady employment reluctant to leave their cushy positions. 

However, one of the unpredictable consequences of...

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How to name your new business Oct 07, 2021

There are so many things to consider when getting into entrepreneurship, making it totally possible to become overwhelmed by everything and giving up before you've begun.

Some of these big decisions can slow you down, and become an excuse to stop you from making progress and keep you...

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The cheapest and quickest way to transfer money to virtual assistants (and anyone else!) Sep 23, 2021

When my new virtual assistant (VA), who is based in the Philippines, asked me if I knew Transfer Wise, I told her I didn't. 

She told me that it was the best way to pay her, because it has the lowest fees, the best exchange rates and it gets the money into her hands faster.

I wasn't too...

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What I learned from releasing 50 episodes of my podcast Sep 09, 2021

In August 2021, I released the 50th episode of CRE Success: The Podcast. It took me 14 months to get there (I released an episode every week, except for a period in Q1 2021, when I took a break).

After episode 50, I decided to pivot the format based on some realisations I turned out that...

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The AI tool that writes mind-blowing copy Aug 26, 2021

You know what's not easy when you're getting started?

Writing compelling copy.

And it's not just writing in that way, but it's the volume of writing that needs to be done.


Landing pages.


Social media posts. 

Various descriptions. 

Don't get me wrong, I know that you...

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Everything you need to get your business online Aug 12, 2021

When I started CRE Success in 2020, the biggest obstacle in my way was technology.

I didn't want to spend a ton of money on a fancy website and I didn't know how to build one myself (luckily my wife knew how to use Wix).

I had heard of Mailchimp, so that got me started with email.

But, once...

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