What do to before jumping on 'The Great Resignation' bandwagon

Oct 21, 2021
Before you follow your dreams, set yourself up for success

One might have thought that a global pandemic, and the mass layoffs that the sharp economic downturn associated with it sparked, would make people still in steady employment reluctant to leave their cushy positions. 

However, one of the unpredictable consequences of COVID-19 (and the economic recovery) is that many people have decided that the immediate aftermath is exactly the right time to leave their jobs.

Some employees have traded in their senior positions for less demanding roles; they've prioritised freedom over ambition. Others (presumably those with some savings stashed away) have even left their current positions before finding new employment, or deciding what they want to do next.

As so many professionals left their current employer in search of greener pastures, 2021 was dubbed the year of 'The Great Resignation' in the US. It's a trend that is now spreading around the world.

Perhaps some people have realised that life is too precious to work in a job that they don't really like.

As I've read the commentary on this trend, I've wondered: what makes disgruntled employees feel confident that the grass will be greener in another position of employment?

I understand that some people are looking for employers who have embraced the flexible working model, but if freedom is what you truly crave, then I think that looking for it from an employer may leave you disappointed. 

Before joining 'The Great Resignation' and quitting your job, I think it's wise to have a think about what's next. 

Ask yourself the question; you would be better suited to working for yourself than working for someone else?

If entrepreneurship is in your future, stop for just a moment. Before you follow your dreams, there are some things that you can do to increase the odds of success.

If it's freedom you truly crave, ask yourself: what could you start doing now (while you're still at your current job) to set yourself up for future success?

Before I started my first business as a corporate influencer serving the commercial real estate (CRE) sector, I had already set up the CRE Success brand.

I had done little things, like reserving the @cresuccess handle on Instagram, Facebook and Twitter. I had decided the logo (on Canva, haha!). I'd started building the follower base on LinkedIn that would help me hit the ground running - and do me no harm if I didn't ever take the plunge.

If you're thinking of joining 'The Great Resignation', and that your next step is not employment but entrepreneurship, start by doing some small but practical things that you'll need to do later anyway.

The best thing about it? You'll get to try on entrepreneurship while you're still earning a salary, before you have been turned in your written notice.

And, if you decide you really do want to work for yourself, when it's the right time, here are nine things you should do to successfully get your business off the ground.

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